FREE Nutrition Guide


Congratulations, you have taken step 0!

Embrace the excitement of taking control of your health by taking a drive towards a healthier lifestyle. This is the starting point, the “GROUND ZERO”. Let’s move on to step 1 and begin your journey towards a healthier you. It’s never too late to start, even if it’s just for 30 minutes. I look forward to speaking with you soon and helping you achieve your health goals.

It is now time to take steps 1 through 4 below. Enjoy the journey!

Step 1: Sign up for your FREE Nutrition Guide

Click photo to sign up.

Step 2: Why it Works

I am participating in the nutrition program and it has changed my life. I understand food for the first time in my life. Most importantly, I learned how to use food as a medicine to keep my family and I healthy and doctor free. The lessons learned are also leading to weight loss, a reduction in arthritis and more energy to chase after my kids. Lastly, removing the waste from our diet greatly reduced my grocery shopping time. I cut out a lot of isles and that’s great especially during covid. I learned all of this in my pjs at home. I didn’t have to research, trail and error, or feel overwhelmed with my decision to overhaul our diets. Thank you Ru’Cha!!!
Owner of Pop Imagery , Charlotte, N.C
Thank you, Ru’cha wellness, for your excellent service. My four-week journey with you was more than exceptional, and I learned so much about my health. In the past, I was referred to a nutritionist by my doctor. It was because my cholesterol was elevated. I went to these people to give me a health lesson like I was back in high school. ( Make sure your plate is colorful) they never explained what is causing my high cholesterol, acid re-flux, and lowering it.
My favorite session was when we discussed changing my taste buds. Girl, I was so addicted to sugar. Now, if I bit a cookie, it’s extremely too sweet. I no longer cough in the middle of the night, have no more Acid re-flux, and I feel great. Thanks for all your help. Letticia Bright, NYC
Letticia Bright

Rosena Black

As I embark on this journey, I want to thank you for assisting me with choosing a healthier lifestyle. Our sessions have been very informative. You’ve not only shown me how to make healthy food choices by incorporating more fruit and vegetables in my daily intake but also how to choose better shopping habits. By taking your advice on buying what I plan on using for the week and freezing the excess, I’ve been able to save money and waste less food. The most important takeaway thus far is the cause and effect of making poor food choices and how small changes will benefit me and my health. Thanks to you I’m making more of an effort to not just eat better but move daily. Always, Rosena Black
Rosena Black

My name is Chaneckie, a certified health coach and the proud owner of Ru’Cha Wellness & Nutrition Coaching Services. I intentionally saved sharing my own transformation for last, as I wanted to demonstrate that achieving it is indeed possible. All it takes is a shift in your lifestyle and cultivating a healthy relationship with food. Additionally, having an exceptional coach like me, who has personally undergone a lifestyle transformation, can greatly assist you in achieving your goals. Want to talk about your health concerns Step 3 is a great option for you. Let’s talk for 30 minutes!

Step 3: Book 30 Minutes

Click photo to sign up

Step 4: Book a Session

Click photo to sign up
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